
Because context matters

Feldstudie - german for field study


a research project carried out in the natural location or context of the subject of study, rather than in a laboratory or office. Or in other words observing, interviewing, and interacting with participants in their environmente.

Welcome traveler

You just found my journals. An asortment of artefacts describing my journey with the Feldstudie program. But let's get no ahead of ourselfs. First things first. What is Feldstudie?

In short, this is the intersection of two things that are important to me.

  1. Learning new things
  2. Giving the right answer
While the first point need little explaination, the second one may sounds a little strange.

Working in Product Management comes often with the expectation that you need to have all the answers. You are the subject matter expert of the product after all. So the pressure can be immense, especiall when you are in a room full of senior stakeholders. But giving a fast answer over a right one does often more damage than good.

Because context matters and can vastly change the answer.

To escape this trap, it is important to explain the problem/project and explain the thought process used to get to the solution.

Feldstudie is my personal learning experience, if you will. A three year propgram where I can freely follow my curiosity.

Ok, but what is this website?

This is a living journal, a documentation of my little projects. I realized quickly that I learn best, when I have an actuall problem to solve. Something that has a defined outcome. For example this very website is a project, everything here is created from scratch so I'm learning how it works.